Resize Virtualbox Vm Disk Size

Uh, my development VM disk is full. During last update I received notice that it cannot be done because lack of space.

Installing Apache Load Balancer

As first step to get configuration done, we need to have Apache Load Balancer installed and configured to talk with web farm.

Option 1 - Separated Servers

As mentioned in my previous post “Horizontally Scaling Drupal” some very bad experience finally allowed me to get open hands and chance to review options how to horizontally scale some Drupal based web sites.

Horizontally Scaling Drupal

Few months ago something terrible happened. One corporate site (written in Drupal) crashed after just couple of hundreds concurrent users visited site.

How to use Ubuntu Server as web server on Windows 7 or Mac OS X via VirtualBox

Working with Drupal and trying to get as close as possible to the production environment has moved my development from Windows & Mac to Ubuntu.

Certified Mongodb Developer

During last fall I attended online mongoDB developers course. I just checked and found that 10Gen prepared my mongoDB certificate.

Problem with Views Pager

This one is funny. Today I discovered that my page, created with multiple views, and each view with its own pager works weird.

How Setup Startup Scripts Ubuntu

For some projects I needed to run startup scripts everytime when I start my ubuntu server.

Installing VirtualBox Guest Addition and& mount shared folder

Step by step guide how to install VirtualBox guest addition and mount shared folder (Ubuntu 12.

Drupal 7 Open File Attachment Links New Window

For requests like: Open attachment in new window code bellow should be placed inside template.